Monday, March 28, 2005

Well that makes sense

So Brad and Jen split up over politics. That makes more sense than any of the other stuff that was suggested to have caused their breakup. But now I am in a quandry. You see I kind of like Jen, but now I hear that she is a dyed in the wool republican who thinks GW is great I have to change my opinion of her. Although how any woman with more than two brain cells, especially one who wants a career of her own AND kids, can think that GW is great is beyond me. Does she know that his goal is to have all women back at home, looking after the kids and cooking and cleaning for her man? The idea of her even wanting a career is so alien to GW's idea of a good wife that it makes me wonder what she has been reading and listening to for the last 5 years. In addition to that, so Brad wants to go into politics? Well if he feels strongly about that he should be allowed to, and if he wants to be a democratic politician then she should support that. After all, if Laura Bush can be a democrat when her husband is a republican president, then why the hell can't Jen stand by Brad? I think there is more to this than meets the eye, and I still think that Angelina Jolie had nothing to do with it other than perhaps to encourage Brad to run for politics. But I guess we will find out in time.

But all of this begs another question, what about Courtney Cox-Arquette? She and Jen were supposed to be such great mates, so I wonder if she is another republican. Not that her politics matter, except that I would love to know how someone can put aside such atrocties as those GW is doing against women and think he is a wonderful person. It is a quandry all right.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Bunty the Klepto

So it appears that our cute little foster dog is a kleptomaniac. The first day she was here she "stole" a sock in the night, well that was ok, we found it rather amusing. Then she started to disappear with slippers, and then shoes! Fortunately she only puts them on the sofa, or other area she is sleeping in, like the cushion on the floor next to the desk. She doesn't chew them, she just takes them. With glee. We have now worked out how to tell when she has stolen something, the pace of her footsteps is a good indicator. And also if she goes quiet, then runs somewhere, you know she has some ill gotten gain in her mouth. Last night she raided the Winter warmer box, the one with the hats, gloves and scarfs in. She took one of my gloves first off, it was put back. Then she went for one of K's hats. That was put back and the box put up out of her reach. Then she went off in a sulk and came back with a shoe. Oh well. We don't mind. She doesn't chew anything, just takes it to her nest on the sofa.

She is such a wonderful little dog. So well behaved, she comes when called, she asks to go out, and she sits and gets down when told to. She doesn't pull on the leash unless she is trying to run faster than I can keep up with (LOL), and will always wait for me to catch up. She even takes her pills without question! Mind you I think part of that might be the liver biscuit that she knows she will get as a result of taking the pill. She likes to be with us, wherever we are in the house, and has got used to moving from place to place with us. I really hope that no one wants to adopt her, because we would really miss having her around.

In the meantime, we have to learn to keep our socks and slippers off the floor if we don't want to have to search the sofa cushions for them.

Friday, March 04, 2005


So we got our doggie! We rescued her from doggie death row. They brought her up from Est Virginia, where she was to be gassed, a horrible horrible way to euthanise animals, especially dogs because it takes about 15 minutes, and is very painful! But she was saved from that, and is happy to be with us. She is an older beagle mix, they said about 6 years old but I think she is more like 8 years old, see what you think from the pics. She had a mammary tumour removed from her left side sometime at the end of last year, it was huge. I mean enormous, like about the size of a football! Now she has two more smaller tumours forming on her mamary gland, in addition to that she is having trouble with her lungs, wheezing and hacking. She probably has mets to the lungs. But that is ok, we are giving her a nice home to live in, loads of loving and attention, which she adores! If she could she would happily be petted all day long! But she isn't a nusiance, once she realises that you aren't going to pet her all day she goes back to her bed. Which is on the sofa, all snuggled up on a pillow. She isn't eating too well, but I made her some liver biscuits and she is probably holding out for those, and we just bought her some marrow bones to chew on too. She loves pigs ears, and will munch down a cheese flavoured beggin' strip with speed, so she isn't unable to eat, just waiting for the good stuff! LOL She is pretty cheeky too, yesterday she stole a sock, and today she stole one of my slippers! But she knows what she is allowed to keep and what she isn't, and doesn't mind when we take things away from her again. And she has her own toys to play with, which she does from time to time.

At the moment she is off having a bath, getting her ears cleaned out and her nails clipped, so that she is all lovely for the weekend. Not that anything special is happening this weekend, but all the same.

So we are very happy to have her with us. We just wish we knew what her name is! She doesnt really seem to answer to anything, but I have been calling her Missy, which K hates, so we will have to come up with something else. But for now we are having fun.