Thursday, July 20, 2006

Sea-monkeys abound

It is day 7 of the sea-monkey experiment, and there are lots of the little beasties swimming around in their sea front haven. I fed them yesterday. Not strictly on schedule, but the water looked cloudy on day 5 and the book says not to feed them if the water looks cloudy. K popped by yesterday to have a look and agreed that they are cute little critters. They are still really small, I will try to take a pic today and post it.

I was just reading about someone being fired for blogging. I was interested in that because several years ago, when blogging was limited to a few computer nerds and psuedo nerds, I knew a woman who blogged about her work place. She was pretty abusive in her blog and I often wondered what would happen if the people she was writing about found out. She had her boss labeled as a complete airhead. Which was probably true, but I wouldn't think that being disrespectful and bitchy about it online was a good plan. Especially as she blogged at the end of each day from her desk! But clearly nothing happened to her, as she is still working at the same place. Destined, no doubt, to stay working in that dead end place for the rest of her life. Hmm, now who is being rude? LOL! But I haven't mentioned the place, location or even business, although I guess if you know who I am you can work it out.

Anyway, I guess my point is that blogging about your colleagues is no more a good idea than writing a book about them. Which of course I did. Many years ago now. But that was funny. In my opinion.


Thursday, July 13, 2006

Sea-Monkeys day 2

So I added the sea-monkey eggs to the water today. There is weird green dye in there, and I stirred the water for the few minutes that they suggest. Now, several hours later, the water is all different densities, and I am worried that the osmolarity of the water was screwed up and the babies hatched into hypertonic water, which means that they imploded and died :( Oh no! I will have to wait until Monday now to see anything, because I am taking tomorrow off and will not be in over the weekend either. Hmm, I hope they are ok. The water is slightly cloudy and pale green.

Watch this space.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006


I got some sea-monkeys for my birthday :D What fun! I have just got the tank started and will add the monkey eggs tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect, but I am hoping that they will make a nice addition to my office decor. To go with my Janeway cutout and magnetic dartboard. :D

If you have no idea what sea-monkeys are you can check them out at They are supposed to be a breed of shrimp, I will let you know once I see how they turn out.

Just as well I have my new pets to worry about. I am feeling very out of sorts at the moment. I checked my biorythms this morning, and they are all clashing! No wonder I have no energy, no motivation and am feeling very emotional! Just as well I can skip out of the office when I feel like it. Which the way things are going at the moment, might be anytime soon. Just sitting and waiting to see if Kay will drop by after her volunteering session.

Hmm, praps I will have some lunch, that will kill some more time.